Shining Light on Deceptive Designs: Countering Dark Patterns with Bright Patterns

Bright patterns prioritize transparency and user empowerment, countering dark patterns by fostering trust, clarity, and positive user experiences

What is Dark Pattern?

A dark pattern is a deceptive design element in websites or apps aimed at manipulating users. These tricks exploit psychology to nudge individuals into unintended actions, benefiting the service provider at the user's expense. Examples include hidden costs, misleading visuals, and forcing continuity in subscriptions. Dark patterns undermine user trust and experience by employing tactics like disguised ads and false urgency. In contrast, ethical design prioritizes transparency, user empowerment, and a positive user experience.

Dark Patterns by Krisztina Szerovay (sketchingforux)

1.    Dark Pattern of KakaoTalk Channels

KakaoTalk Channels are a feature in the KakaoTalk messaging app that lets businesses, organizations, or individuals create channels for sharing content and interacting with followers. Recently, many e-commerce platforms and online shops require users to add KakaoTalk channels for member registration. Additionally, when booking appointments, such as at a beauty salon, adding the corresponding KakaoTalk channel is necessary for communication. However, all promotions and updates from these channels may flood your account. Unlike email promotions, KakaoTalk lacks a direct "unsubscribe" option; users can only block channels to halt messages. This means you may continue receiving promotional broadcasts even if you only want appointment-related communication with a specific store.

2.    User Impact

The dark pattern associated with KakaoTalk's inability to provide a direct "unsubscribe" feature for its channels lies in limiting user control and autonomy over their messaging preferences. By not allowing users to easily opt-out of promotional broadcasts or content from channels they no longer wish to follow, KakaoTalk may be employing a dark pattern that promotes continuous engagement and potentially frustrates users.

This lack of a straightforward unsubscribe option can lead to users feeling trapped in receiving promotional content, which might negatively impact their usere xperience and trust in the platform. Dark patterns like this may prioritize business interests over user preferences and transparency. Ethical design practices typically advocate for clear and easy-to-use options for users to manage their communication preferences, promoting a positive user experience and trust in the platform.

What is Bright Pattern?

Bright patterns, or ethical design practices, aim to enhance user experience and transparency while minimizing deceptive strategies.  Bright patterns are friendly design solutions that focus on what users want and need, prioritizing their well-being over business goals and desires.

1.     Applying Bright Patterns to KakaoTalk Channels

Applying bright patterns in KakaoTalk Channels involves prioritizing user experience, transparency, and user empowerment. Here are some ways to make KakaoTalk Channels better by incorporating bright patterns:

  • Clear Communication:

Provide clear and concise information about the purpose of the channel, what type of content users can expect, and how often updates will be sent.

  •  Opt-In Choices:

Allow users to willingly opt into receiving promotional content from the channel. Clearly explain the benefits and let users make an informed decision. For example: Receives important notification only or promotional broadcast.

  • Easy Opt-Out:

Implement straightforward and easily accessible unsubscribe option. Users should have the freedom to stop receiving messages from a channel whenever they want.

  • User-Friendly Controls:

Design an intuitive interface that makes it easy for users to manage their preferences, including notification settings and content preferences.

  • Provide Value:

Ensure that the content shared on the channel adds value to users' lives. Whether it's exclusive offers, useful information, or entertainment, make sure it aligns with user expectations.

  • Feedback Mechanism:

Implement a feedback mechanism to allow users to share their thoughts on the content and overall experience. Use this feedback to make improvements.

2. User Impact

Implementing bright patterns in KakaoTalk Channels enhances user trust, satisfaction, and engagement. By ensuring clear communication about the channel's purpose, offering opt-in choices, and providing an easy opt-out mechanism, users feel empowered and informed. A user-friendly interface, relevant content, and consistent branding contribute to a positive experience. Engaging responsively with the audience, ensuring transparency in data collection, delivering value, and incorporating a feedback mechanism foster a community-driven atmosphere. This approach not only enriches the user experience but also builds a foundation of trust between users and channel owners.

Bright Patterns as UI/UX Design Measurement Standard

Bright patterns can be applied not only in social media platform but also in advertising and e-commerce to prioritize user experience, transparency, and ethical practices. Bright Patterns have mentioned several examples in points. The table provided serves as an example measurement framework for evaluating the overall UI/UX of KakaoTalk, a messaging platform. It aligns with user-centric design patterns and aims to assess key aspects such as user engagement, privacy, content recommendation, financial transparency, user empowerment, potential controversy, user well-being, and the overall user experience. Regularly utilizing this framework can offer valuable insights into how well KakaoTalk meets user expectations, allowing for adjustments and refinements to continually enhance the platform's UI/UX.

Bright Pattern Measurement Tools by Joanna Michelle (SD4G Lab)

This framework looks at both numbers and user feedback, matching them with user-centric design patterns. By consistently checking these measures, we can understand how design impacts user engagement, privacy, understanding, and satisfaction on the KakaoTalk Channel. This ongoing assessment guides adjustments and improvements to continually boost the user experience.

By having measurement standard for bright patterns in several area of design, it can be highly beneficial for the users. Following bright patterns, which are user-friendly and transparent, builds trust with users. This consistency strengthens the bond between brands and their audience. It also guides marketers in creating positive user experiences, leading to happier and more loyal customers. Ethical design practices not only comply with laws and regulations but also enhance a brand's reputation, reducing the risk of negative publicity. They contribute to long-term success, industry benchmarking, and adaptability to new technologies. Ethical design also aligns with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), demonstrating a commitment to positive social and environmental impact. Ultimately, it empowers users by providing clear information and choices, leading to more satisfied and engaged customers. In a nutshell, a measurement standard for bright patterns helps marketers make ethical and user-friendly decisions, focusing on transparency and trust.