Educational teaching aid kits and contents using sea urchins, which cause sea desertification. We created a start-up club and conducted it with undergraduate students. It ended with a graduation exhibition. Hannah Kang of the SD4G Lab with Park Ha-young, Lee Yeon-soo, and Jung Hye-hoon from DSU.

Research objectives

  1. Branding with "A Kid's(I) Drawing(Green) World <I-Green>: Develop products with sea urchin calcite as the main ingredient under the branding "A Kid's Drawing World <I-Green>."
  2. Focus on Marine Ecosystem Education: Plan and develop stationery and products primarily for children, emphasizing marine ecosystem education.
  3. Environmental Protection and Education Content: Provide environmental education content that can be used in conjunction with the products, aiming to raise awareness and contribute to marine conservation.
  4. Develop Character IP: Create a character intellectual property (IP) to unleash creativity and imagination through content, while educating on the importance of environmental protection.

Motivation for Development:

  1. Desertification of the Oceans: With growing concern for sustainable environments, the issue of ocean ecosystem degradation, particularly the whitening of coral reefs leading to "ocean desertification," has gained global attention.
  2. Sea Urchin as the Culprit of Desertification: Sea urchins are identified as a primary cause of ocean desertification, contributing to the disappearance of coral reefs.
  3. Utilizing Sea Urchin Calcite for Art Supplies: Extracted calcite from sea urchins will be used to create various art supplies.
  4. Need for Marine Environmental Education: Emphasizing the importance of environmental protection through educational content, instilling in children an awareness of and values for living in harmony with the environment.


Concept plan → planing → Design → Prototype

1.Oil pastel

● Mold is made by shaping coral, sea urchins, and sea otters using the character IP developed by oneself

● Oil pastels that feature unique colors because they were painted using various pigments

● Use calcium carbonate from oyster shell

  1. Soap for Coral

● It features sea urchin extraction collagen (marine collagen)

● Use pastel-toned pink, yellow, sky, and light green, iGreen's key colors, after using art tools for marine education

  1. Coloring Book

● Making a coloring book containing the story of the marine ecosystem using the character IP developed

● Can be used with oil pastels to train

  1. Miscellaneous
  • Utilize Self-Developed Character IP for Character Goods Production
  • Merchandising for Profit Beyond Marine Environmental Education Effects

Expected Outcomes and Utilization Strategies:

  • Environmental Protection and Awareness Enhancement: Raise awareness on environmental protection and foster environmental leadership in future generations through environmental education content and eco-friendly products.
  • Protection of Marine Ecosystems: Suppress ocean desertification and protect marine ecosystems by utilizing sea urchin calcite and abalone shell by-products, operating the business in a sustainable direction.
  • Regional Economic Improvement: Activate the local tourism industry by associating products and illustrations with the sea in Busan. Contribute to the local economy through collaboration with local institutions and businesses.
  • Establishment of Eco-friendly Brand: Build a positive image among environmentally conscious consumers by providing eco-friendly children's toys and educational content.
  • Creation of Social Value: Generate social value through environmental protection and education, promoting dialogue and discussion on issues related to the environment.
  • Entry into Promising Markets: Anticipate the increasing importance of environmental protection and education in the future, entering these markets early to create growth opportunities.
  • Sustainable Business: Construct a sustainable business model through the use of eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes, with the increasing recognition of environmental issues enhancing the long-term success potential.
  • Collaboration in the Education Sector: Collaborate with schools or educational institutions, leveraging educational content to have a positive impact in the education sector.

Business Plan:

  1. B2C:
    Tourism Products:
    Sell the developed products as tourism items at platforms frequented by tourists in Busan, such as train stations.
    Children's Educational Products: Sell products for children through online platforms like Instagram, the official A-Kid-Green website, or specialty stores for children.
  2. B2B:
    Zero Waste Shops:
    Utilize both online and offline platforms, including zero waste shops, to promote and sell products to individuals interested in the environment.
    Stationery Companies: Supply and stock products in online and offline bookstores, stationery stores, and distribution companies.
  3. B2G:
    As the main operating region, activate tourism products in places like Dongbaek Sangjeom in Busan.
    Other Coastal Areas: Expand to adjacent coastal areas such as Jeju and Mokpo.
  4. Market Expansion and Branding Direction:
    Content Area:
    Utilize video platforms like YouTube and social media to target children familiar with visual content.
    Create Environmental Education Content: Produce and upload environmental education content to increase brand awareness, drive purchases, and generate revenue.

Please send us questions, inquiries, and other ideas here